Everlasting Hobbies: TOEFL Structure and written Expression

Wednesday 7 March 2018

TOEFL Structure and written Expression

Soal TOEFL Structure

1.Engineers________ for work on the new space program.
    (A)     necessary
    (B)     are needed
    (C)     hopefully
    (D)     next month
jawaban (B)

2.Fitzgerald_______ the society of the 1920's in his novel, The Great Gatsby.
    (A)     reflect
    (B)     reflects
    (C)     are reflecting
    (D)     have reflected
jawaban (B)

3._____ the demands of aerospace, medicine, and agriculture, aengineers, are creating exotic new metallic substances.
    (A) Meet
    (B) Being met are
    (C) To meet
    (D) They are meeting

4. ____was backed up for miles on the freeway.
    (A)      Yesterday
    (B)      In the morning
    (C)      Traffic
    (D)      Cars
Jawaban (C)

 5. _______ James A. Bland, “Carry Me Back to Old Virginny” was adopted is the state song of Virginia in 1940.
    (A) Was written b
    (B) His writing was
    (C) He wrote the
    (D) Written by

6.Mary Garden, ______ the early 1900’s was considered one of the best singing actresses of her time.
    (A) a soprano was popular
    (B) in a popular soprano
    (C) was a popular soprano
    (D) a popular soprano in
Jawaban (D)

7. In the realm of psychological theory Margaret F. Washburn was a dualist _____ that motor phenomena have an essential role in psychology.
    (A) who she believed
    (B) who believed
    (C) believed
    (D) who did she believe

 8.In the past, lions _______ common in many parts of the world.
  1. were
  2. once
  3. when
  4. only

9.I wish you would tell me _______
(A) Who is being lived next door
(B) Who does live in the next door
(C) Who lives next door
(D) Who next door was living

10.During the Daytona, the lead car ______ leaving the others far behind.
(A) Forwarded rapidly
(B) Advanced rapidly
(C) Advanced forward rapidly
(D) Advanced in a rapidly manner

11.The swimming instructor came _____if the apartment was still available.
(A) to see
(B) seeing
(C) saw
(D) for seeing


12. ________ was backed up for miles on freeway
(a) Yesterday
(b) In the morning
(c) Traffict
(d) Cars

13.The committee has met twice and__
    (A) they reached a final decision
    (B) a final decision was reached
    (C) its decision was reached
    (D) it has reached a final decision

14. The manager won't be able to attend the shareholders' meeting tomorrow because___
    (A) he must to give a lecture
    (B). he will be giving a lecture
    (C) of he will give lecture
    (D) he will have giving a lecture

15. Brenda's score on the test is the highest in class___
    (A) She should study hard last night.
    (B) She should have studied hard last night.
    (C) She must have studied hard last night.
    (D) She had to study hard last night

16. To answer accurately is more important than___
    (A) to finish quickly
    (B) a quick finish
    (C) you finish it quickly
    (D)quick finish

17. Having been served lunch,___
    (A) the problems were discussed by the participants.
    (B) the participants discuss the problems.
    (C) it was discussed by the participants.
    (D) A discussion of the problems were made by the participants.
18.Unlike the earth, which rotates once every twenty-four hours ___ once every ten hours.
      (A) the rotation of Jupiter
      (B) Jupiter rotates
      (C) Jupiter rotation
      (D) Jupiter rotate

19 Jackson,___ capital of Mississippi, is the largest city in the state.
      (A) the
      (B) it is the
      (C) is the
      (D) where the

20. The various types of bacteria are classified according to__shapes.
      (A) whose
      (B) how they are
      (C) have
      (D) their

TOEFL Written Expression

21. A large  number of automobile part are now  made of plastic instead of steel.
                       A                               B                     C                       D
Jawaban (B)
22. On Ellesmere Island in the Arctic one fossil forest consist of a nearly hundred
                                                                                        A                 B
      large stumps scattered on an exposed coal bed.
                                C                       D
Jawaban (B)
23.The Humber River and its valley form a major salmon-fishing, lumbering, hunting,
                                           A              B         C
       and farmer region in western Newfoundland, Canada.
24.The midnight sun is a phenomenon in which the Sun visible remains in the sky
                                   A                                                              B                   C
       for twenty-four hours or longer.
25. The surface conditions on the planet Mars are the more like the Earth’s than are
                                A                                                    B                                C
       those of any other planet in the solar system.

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